Wound Care Specialist

Scott L. Cooper, DPM
Podiatrist located in Brooklyn Heights, Brooklyn, NY
About 15 percent of diabetics will develop foot ulcers, and about half of those will require hospitalization. At his Brooklyn, NY, office, Dr. Cooper provides state-of-the-art wound care to identify healing issues in his New York City patients so widespread infection and other problems can be avoided.
Wound Care
How does diabetes cause problems with wound healing?
Diabetes can cause problems with your nerves and your circulation, preventing tissues from healing after an injury, as well as decreasing the sensations a wound can cause so you may not realize your foot has been injured.
What is a diabetic foot ulcer?
An ulcer is a sore, and a foot ulcer is a wound or sore that occurs on your foot and can be very slow to heal. Because circulation is impaired, it's much easier for infection to set in, and when left untreated, tissue death can occur, resulting in a need for amputation of a toe, foot or even the lower leg. In fact, foot ulceration accounts for about 85 percent of all diabetes-related amputations.
How are diabetic foot ulcers cared for?
Once a wound occurs, the first step is to assess the damage and carefully cleanse the wound to help prevent infection. Oral or topical antibiotics may be used to prevent infection and special bandages may be applied to keep the area clean during healing. You'll also be given detailed guidance on how to clean the wound and replace the bandage as necessary, as well as how to monitor the area for signs of advancing infection.
Can I prevent foot ulcers?
Yes, there are things you can do to help prevent the development of a sore or ulcer:
Be proactive in managing your blood sugar to prevent spikes that can result in nerve and vascular damage.
Check your feet for injuries every day. If your nerves are impaired from diabetes, you may not feel a sore, so visual observation is essential.
Wear socks and shoes all the time, even when indoors, to tiny cuts or other injuries.
See your podiatrist regularly to ensure your feet are kept in top shape.
Major Insurance Plans Accepted
Dr. Cooper accepts major insurancee plans including No Fault Insurance. For questions regarding your insurance provider, please contact Cooper Podiatry.